

Email: dwheeldon@bceda.ca

Tel: 604.795.7119 - ext: 1

Dale Wheeldon, President & CEO

Dale joined the BCEDA team in 2007.  As the President and CEO he is responsible for leading the association through the development of programs and initiatives to support communities and economic development organizations.  With over 25 years of economic development experience, Dale has successfully developed several award winning economic development programs, developed strategies and other initiatives in small and large communities.  His excellent working relationships with all levels of government and industry associations have helped to ensure that BCEDA is well positioned to provide member services.  Dale is deeply committed to Economic Disaster Recovery, and introduced the BCEDA Economic Disaster Recovery Program in 2012. This program, was the first of its kind in Canada. Dale and BCEDA have taken the work of the Economic Recovery Program to other parts of Canada, the US, and Asia. Dale works extensively with other organizations including the International Economic Development Council as a course instructor, and with other Provincial economic development associations developing partnerships across Canada.

Email: ashleigh@bceda.ca

Tel: 604.795.7119 - ext: 2

Ashleigh Volcz, Director of Member Services

Ashleigh joined the BCEDA team in 2010. As the Director of Member Services, she is responsible for member recruitment, event planning, special projects and member correspondence. In 2012, Ashleigh, together with a team of volunteer economic development professionals, received the BCEDA President's Award for an Economic Disaster Recovery Program in Burns Lake. In her spare time, Ashleigh enjoys spending time with her family and gardening!